The 161 Sqdn left from Tempsford at 1944-06-01 at 23:34. Loc or duty SOE
He flew with a Lockheed Hudson A-28 / A-29 / AT-18 (type III, serial V9155, code MA-Q).
Campaign report of the USAAF:
(Ninth Air Force): In France, around 100 B-26s bomb airfields and coastal defense batteries from the Belgian border to the Cherbourg Peninsula.
Campaign report of the RAF:
31 May/1 June 1944
219 aircraft - 125 Lancasters, 86 Halifaxes, 8 Mosquitos - of all groups except No 5 Group successfully attacked the railway yards at Trappes to the west of Paris in 2 waves. 4 Lancasters lost.
129 aircraft - 109 Halifaxes, 16 Lancasters, 4 Mosquitos - of Nos 6 and 8 Groups bombed a coastal wireless transmitting station at Au Fèvre and destroyed 4 of the 6 masts. No aircraft lost.
115 aircraft - 60 Lancasters, 51 Halifaxes, 4 Mosquitos - of 6 and 8 Groups bombed a radio jamming station at Mont Couple which was 'rendered completely unserviceable'. No aircraft lost.
111 Lancasters and 4 Mosquitos of Nos 1 and 8 Groups attacked the railway yards at Tergnier. The sidings and workshops were 'squarely hit'. 2 Lancasters lost.
82 Lancasters and 4 Mosquitos of No 5 Group attacked and destroyed a railway junction at Saumur without loss.
68 Lancasters of No 5 Group raiding a coastal gun battery at Maisy found it covered by cloud and only 6 aircraft bombed. No aircraft lost.
14 RCM sorties, 16 Serrate and 9 Intruder patrols, 28 aircraft minelaying off the Dutch and French coasts, 9 aircraft on Resistance operations, 12 OTU sorties. 5 aircraft were lost - 2 Halifaxes and 1 Hudson on Resistance operations, 1 Stirling minelayer and 1 Intruder Mosquito.
Total effort for the night: 820 sorties, 11 aircraft (1.3 per cent) lost.
1/2 June 1944
101 Halifaxes of No 4 Group and 8 Pathfinder Mosquitos attacked the main German radio-listening station at Ferme d'Urville near the coast chosen for the invasion, but cloud and haze prevented accurate bombing. No aircraft lost.
58 Lancasters of No 5 Group attacked a railway junction at Saumur. Photographic reconnaissance showed 'severe damage to junction, main lines torn up'. No aircraft lost.
6 Mosquitos to the port of Aarhus in Denmark, 3 Serrate patrols, 18 aircraft minelaying in the Kattegat and off Dunkirk, 40 aircraft on Resistance operations. 1 Halifax on Resistance operations lost.
With thanks to the RAF and!
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