B-24H-1-FO Liberator #42-7520 lost at Bolsward (1 km SW of) on 22-12-1943 (SGLO ref: T3257)
At the date of 22-12-1943, time: 1500, the aircraft type B-24 has been lost. The location of the plane was found at: Bolsward (1 km SW of). The unit of crew and plane is: 445BG/700BS. First flyer rank: 2nd Lieutenant, name: N.M. Nelson. The plane belonged to the Allied forces.
445th BG - 2 CBW - Circle 'F' - 700th BS - RN - 2nd Div - 8th Air Force
Crew: Ford B-24H-1-FO Liberator #42-7520 - 22 Dec 1943 - Mission: Osnabrück
O-679101 - 1st Lt. - Pilot - Norman Martin Nelson - Gann Valley, Buffalo Co., SD - Age 21 - KIA
O-806622 - 2nd Lt. - Co-Pilot - George Joseph Clark - Southampton, Suffolk Co., New York - Age 28 - FOD
O-685748 - 2nd Lt. - Navigator - Conrad Silverman - Kings Co., NY - Age 28 - KIA
36128029 - O-744971 - 2nd Lt. - Bombardier - Martin Patrick Bulger Jr. - Detroit, Wayne Co., MI - Age 23 - KIA
37233780 - T/Sgt. - Engineer / Top Turret Gunner - George H. Entzminger - Bronson, Bourbon Co., KS - Age 20/21 - FOD
16076352 - S/Sgt. - Radio Operator - Charles E. Smith - Moultrie Co. - Lake City, IL - Age 20 - KIA
33361283 - S/Sgt. - Ball Turret Gunner - Francis H. Folkner - Easton, Northampton Co., PA - Age 28 - KIA
33382794 - S/Sgt. - Waist Gunner / Ass't Engineer - Asha Parker Small - Baltimore Co., MD - Age 33 - FOD
12200169 - S/Sgt. - Waist Gunner - Walter Derdzenski - Onondaga Co., NY - Age 20 - KIA
33552460 - S/Sgt. - Tail Gunner - James V. King - Anne Arundel Co., MD - Age 20 - KIA
Norman Martin Nelson
George Joseph Clark
Martin Patrick Bulger Jr.
George H. Entzminger
Charles E. Smith
Francis H. Folkner
Asha Parker Small
Walter Derdzenski
James V. King
Thanks to PATS (see source link for more info)