Dick Winters

Dear friends:

As many of you already know, a lot of people have been writing letters to our government with the hope that the military will finally award Major Dick Winters (EASY COMPANY) his Medal of Honor. Unfortunately as many of these things go, it has been caught up in red tape. Well this week they have started an online petition for Major Winters and you can help this man get what he rightfully deserves. 

It's easy and you basically don't have to do ANYTHING but click on a link, type in your name, email address and city/state. That's it. So please jump on board and join a very good cause. Please pass this info along to your friends and family. 


For your convenience I have copied the petition for you below, so that you may read it first.

Thank you so much,

Marion J Chard
Proud daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Combat Engineer WWII


To: Secretary of the Army 
Major Richard D. Winters, of Easy Company, 101st Airborne Division, 506th Regiment, is being made to wait for his Medal of Honor. Major Winters will never say that he deserves it, but the men who fought for him are doing so for him. Your office seems to be our only obstacle in getting Major Winters has Medal of Honor. We ask you, sir, why? 

Major Winters was 1st Lieutenant of Easy Company in the early morning hours of June 6, 1944. He and his men parachuted into enemy territory during the early hours of D-day. After landing and finding his men, Winters realized that his Company Commander’s plane went down. He was given command of Easy Company when dawn broke on D-day. Winters and a squad of twelve men were told to take out four German guns that were firing down upon the men on Utah Beach. Winters successfully completed his mission, destroying four guns at Brecourt Manor. Winters’ capturing of the guns on D-day is still taught at West Point today. While there, Major Winters found a map, pointing out every German defense firing upon Utah Beach. The map was passed up the ranks, and, though the Major will never admit it, saved many lives that day. Major Winters received the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions there. Only one Medal of Honor was awarded to his division; Major Winters did not receive it. 

Throughout the course of World War II, Winters proved himself to be a leader. He led his men from England, to France, to Belgium, and Holland, and he eventually became Battalion Executive Officer and a captain. Captain Winters was then faced with his toughest challenge. He was to lead his men into the Ardennes Forest to hold the front line, while short of warm clothing, food, and ammunition. This experience in the Ardennes Forest, Foy, and Bastogne, would later be known as the Battle of Bulge. Winters faced the challenge as any good leader would; he cared for his men to the best of his ability. 

The freezing men survived Christmas in snowy foxholes, while listening to the German soldiers sing “Silent Night.” It was there that many of the men became united, where they began to realize how truly amazing Captain Winters was. 

After surviving the Battle of the Bulge, Captain Winters was then promoted to Major. The planning of more patrols and liberating a concentration camp marked Easy Company’s arrival into Germany. There, Major Winters and Easy Company were the first Americans to enter Hitler’s Berchestgaden, or “Eagle’s Nest,” his own private hideaway. It was there that they received the news of Hitler’s surrender. After such, Easy Company moved onto Austria. 

In Austria, Winters was forced to try to find ways for his men to go home. It was thought that the United States would be invading Japan soon. To leave the Army, a man needed 85 points. Points were ac*****ulated through wounds or Purple Hearts. As a result of this high number, usually only officers had enough points to make it home. The rest of these men, men who had simply joined up to fight for America, not knowing how long they would be gone, would now be stuck in Japan. Now, these men who had fought on D-day, Operation Market Garden, and the Battle of the Bulge, would begin to train to go to war with Japan. 

Shortly after training began, news of the Japanese surrender reached the men. For the men of Easy Company, it would be D-day plus 434. They had not seen home in more than two years. Each man would be forced to re-enter the world back home as best he could. 

That was sixty years ago. Some of the men of Easy Company are still alive today, and they are all fighting for the Medal of Honor for their commander who fought to protect them. In 2002, some of the surviving veterans traveled down to Washington, D.C., in a personal attempt for Winters’ Medal of Honor. Some of these veterans have passed on, some are in decline, and, yet, during their time here, they fought for something for Major Winters. Still, you have yet to sign. Again, why? 

Sadly, this matter has become urgent because of both the increasing age of Major Winters’ and his health. He has written that his health was failing. Some who have seen him recently mentioned that he did indeed look frail. Sadly, with his increasing age, Major Winters also suffers from Parkinsons Disease. 

Your office has been our only obstacle. Since 2002, many civilians have taken an active interest in this campaign for Major Winters. We have exhausted every possible option; we have written letters separately, sent organized mailings, etc., yet nothing has surfaced. We have personally called your office office once every week, only to be told every single time that “There is a lot to consider,” or “His application is pending.” 

Major Winters will not call himself a hero, though it is obvious that he and his men are. Major Winters, a man who did so much for the men that he loved, is being denied something that is sixty years overdue. It is an injustice and a disgrace to the men who fought in World War II to have their memories forgotten. 

We believe that you, sir, have the ability to right this wrong. Major Winters is a man of both honor and reputation who is loved by all who have had the privilege to learn about him. We am pleading with you, sir, to right the wrong that should have been taken care of sixty years ago. Major Winters is running out of time; you, sir, are simply biding yours. 


Marion J Chard

Proud daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek

540th Combat Engineer WWII


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