UK letter E-KRSS

UK letter E-K
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Airfield location only known to about +/- 5nm, United Kingdom
Status coordinate No status yet
Hits - 1,179
Kirkwall X0KW (C)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Status coordinate No status yet
Hits - 1,745
Kirton in Lindsey X4KL (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Status coordinate No status yet
Hits - 1,364
Knavesmire X0KV (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Status coordinate No status yet
Hits - 1,211
Knettishall X3KN (A)
Accuracy of this loction is approximately 1nm., United Kingdom
Status coordinate No status yet
Hits - 1,284
Knockbain Farm X6KF (B)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Status coordinate No status yet
Hits - 2,287
Knockin X3OS (A)
This point is the exact location: either the centre of the airfield or the mid point of the longest runway., United Kingdom
Status coordinate No status yet
Hits - 1,648
Knowsley Park X3KP (A)