YORK II BRIDGE Class 40 Bailey Pontoon Bridge
YORK II BRIDGE Class 40 Bailey Pontoon Bridge over the River Orne near Ranville
Photo 1This bridge was 316 ft long and consisted of two 110 ft landing bays, two 32 ft end floating bays and one 32 ft floating bay. The water gap was 310 ft at high water and a I2 ft rise and fall had to be catered for.
Owing to the secrecy of preparations for operation "GOODWIN", the equipment was brought up to the site early and concealed. Bridging could not be commenced until 2300 hrs 17th July and the bridge opened to traffic at 1745 hrs on 18th July. Traffic passed over the bridge at a rate of 360 vehicles per hour.
Photo 2 Cromwell tanks moving across ‘York’ bridge, a Bailey bridge over the Caen canal and the Orne river, during Operation ‘Goodwood’, 18 July 1944